Picture of Paulo, owner of Grapevine
  Web Designs
Grapevine Web Designs

Delivering First-Class Treatment to Small Businesses

I'm Paulo, the founder and only developer at Grapevine Web Designs. With over 7 years of professional experience in the industry, I have a solid foundation in delivering high-quality software solutions and exceptional customer service to a variety of clients. I founded Grapevine Web Designs with the aim of supporting my family and making a positive impact in the world through the use of technology.

I discovered that many small businesses face financial constraints when it comes to investing a significant amount upfront for a website. So, those few who did manage to allocate funds often encountered bad practices, resulting in poorly designed websites that appeared outdated. This left them in a difficult position - either unable to afford a quality website or unsure whom to trust for creating something good. To address their needs, I revamped my business model accordingly. Hence, I found a solution: the no upfront payment and $99 monthly plan. This alternative enables small businesses to manage their expenses effectively without straining their financial resources.

Excellence Over Quantity

Our approach to content creation involves focusing on the specific needs of each business, highlighting what makes them unique. We work together to craft a website that fully meets your satisfaction and needs, rather than settling for something less.

Original Content

Unique, engaging content tailored to your company. Each business is unique.

Exceptional Customer Assistance

Whenever you need assistance, you will be connected directly to the developer.

Unlimited Design Possibilities

Design can be edited to fit your preferences. Total flexibility to customize everything.


(817) 601-7504


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