a computer screen showing a code

Why handcrafted websites outperform WordPress websites

Picture of Paulo
Paulo Afonso Pinheiro
Mar 6, 2023

Why Hand-coded Static Websites are faster?

When it comes to Google rankings, website speed and performance are essential, particularly on mobile devices. Unfortunately, dynamic websites like WordPress and Wix are not optimized for speed due to the additional time it takes for the server to call the database then assemble the website. The more plugins and features you add to your website, the slower it will become, which can be detrimental to your search engine ranking. This is particularly problematic as studies have found that most users will leave the site in case it takes 3 seconds or more to load. If your site is slow to load, it's unlikely that many users will bother to visit, making it difficult to justify the expense of hosting and maintaining it. This is one of the primary reasons why Wix and WordPress Sites are often slower to load than their static counterparts.

Static sites have a significant advantage over dynamic websites, such as WordPress and Wix, when it comes to loading speed. This is because static sites are pre-built and do not require any surgery or stitching of web pages as dynamic websites do. As a result, static sites can load up to ten times faster than dynamic sites, which is crucial for user engagement and search engine optimization. Unlike dynamic sites, static sites are free of plugins, databases, and bloated code, which can hinder their loading speed and overall performance. Furthermore, the organized and purposeful coding of static sites makes them easy for search engines like Google to crawl and understand.

To put it simply, dynamic websites are like a bowl of spaghetti where everything is messy and convoluted, while static websites are like a plate of neatly organized noodles with beef on top. Dynamic sites have what is known as "spaghetti code", which is bloated, messy code that can slow down the loading time of your website. On the other hand, static sites are organized and streamlined, which makes it easier for your browser to load quickly and for Google's search crawlers to understand your content. In other words, static sites are like a clear, organized recipe that's easy to read and follow, while dynamic sites are like a messy kitchen with ingredients all over the place.

Having a fast-loading website is crucial to retain visitors and improve your website's ranking on search engines like Google. The ideal load time is 1.5 seconds or less, and anything beyond that could result in losing potential customers. Handcrafted static websites have the advantage of loading almost instantly, often under 0.4 seconds. The clean, organized code structure makes it easier for browsers and search engines like Google to analyze and understand the content, leading to faster load and per consequence higher rankings. In case your website isn't performing as expected, you can use Google's tool to check the load time and make necessary improvements to speed it up. If the load time exceeds 3 seconds, there is a high likelihood that people will leave before even reaching it.

Google recently updated their search engine algorithm, Mobile First Indexing, which evaluates a website's rank based on its mobile site's performance. Therefore, faster mobile site loading results in higher rankings. Static sites outperform dynamic sites in this regard, making them a better option for ranking higher on Google's search results.

Key Differences between Hand-Coded Static Websites to Dynamic Websites Built with WordPress, Wix, and Other Platforms

  • The mobile performance of your website holds immense significance in determining how Google indexes it. Regrettably, mobile sites created with page builders generally lack the level of optimization, speed, and robust construction exhibited by their static counterparts. Moreover, they might not offer full responsiveness, potentially leading to adverse effects on your search rankings.

  • Websites constructed from scratch using static coding load up to 10 times quicker in comparison to those developed with page builders like GoDaddy or WordPress. It's crucial to emphasize that in case the website exceeds the 3-second loading threshold, it may lead to the loss of potential customers since a majority of visitors tend to abandon sites that load slowly.

  • I always code my handcrafted sites using a "mobile-driven design" approach. This means I prioritize writing code for mobile screens before working on desktop and tablet views. As a result, my static sites are more optimized, responsive, and load incredibly fast, which can significantly improve your website's ranking on Google. This approach also ensures that visitors won't abandon your site due to slow loading times.

  • WordPress is widely acknowledged for vulnerabilities, necessitating regular updates to address security problems that could potentially expose your website to hacking attempts. In contrast, handcrafted static sites pose significantly greater challenges for compromise due to their lack of access points for hacking endeavors and simplicity, making them virtually impenetrable.

In the world of web development, two primary website types exist: dynamic and static. Static site have the fundamental elements of the web, namely HTML, JavaScript and CSS. It operates without databases or apis for data manipulation, serving the website's content as originally intended. These three technologies form the foundation of every visible aspect on a website and, in most cases, fulfill all requirements. Loading a static site involves the browser reading and compiling the website's code, resulting in instantaneous loading. Furthermore, every user accesses the exact same content. Hand-coding a static site or utilizing a static site generator is often regarded as the optimal approach for crafting a high-quality static site.

Dynamic site, such as those constructed with WordPress or page builders, uses additional server-side technologies to retrieve HTML and assets from a database and assemble the website every load on the server. This approach diverges from static sites, where the browser handles code compilation, as the server performs the code compilation and transmits the results to the browser. Instead of all users accessing identical content, each user receives personalized content. This process often leads to slower loading times and exposes your website to potential malware and hacking attempts that can disrupt the server's database-checking process for website content. In contrast, static sites lack databases, making them less prone to such attacks. We will delve further into this topic in subsequent discussions.

Dynamic sites, such as those built with Squarespace, WordPress, GoDaddy, page builders, Wix or written in PHP, utilize databases to store content and assets. When a user visits a website, the server checks its inventory of items and retrieve them from the database, then transforms it into a landing page. While these builders offer a cost-effective and straightforward way to create a website, they also are significant worse when compared to the website I build.

Is it Worth Paying for a Website When I Can Build It Myself?

Undoubtedly, hand-crafted static websites surpass page builders such as Wix and WordPress in every aspect. Not only do they load incredibly faster, taking mere milliseconds, but their inherent simplicity also offers a near-impenetrable security shield against potential hacking attempts and other security threats. Therefore, hand-crafted static websites are the undisputed champions in attracting and retaining businesses.

Although WordPress,GoDaddy and Wix advertise that anybody can create a website without paying anything, this may not always be the best approach for small businesses looking to compete and succeed online. While it may seem like an easy and cost-effective solution, the truth is that these platforms often lack the necessary features and functionality required for optimal loading times, pagespeed score, security, customer conversion rates, and Google search rankings. To outperform the competition, it's essential to invest in a hand-made static website created by a professional developer (like me).

Consider this - anyone can buy paint tint and attempt to paint their home, but not everybody will have the same level of expertise and the result may be worst. Website development requires skill and experience, and while it may seem expensive to have a hand-made static website created by decent developer (which typically ranges from $3,000 to $4,500+ depending on the level of complexity), it's a wise investment for your business.

While there's nothing wrong with using page builders or Wordpress and saving money by creating your own site, it's important to consider the benefits of a professionally-designed static site. By doing so, you can create a website that performs far better than your competitors, and ultimately, maximize your potential for success and profitability online.

WordPress can be a powerful tool for creating websites that require dynamic content and database functionality. However, not all WordPress websites are equal, and it's important to find a reputable developer who cares about producing high-quality work. For simpler, informational websites that don't require dynamic content, a static site may be a better choice. While WordPress can still be used for these types of sites, it's like using an cannon to kill a mosquito - it's simply not necessary and may result in unnecessary complexity and cost.

It's likely that your competitors are also using WordPress for their websites. Unfortunately, some agencies or developers charge exorbitant amounts for creating these basic WordPress sites, Instead, it could be made solely static. Many of these sites are just generic templates that are handed over with no ongoing support or maintenance. It can be a challenge to find a trustworthy agency or developer, but investing the time to do so will be worthwhile in the long run.

Website as Investiment

Through my personal observations, there are entrepreneurs and business owners. A common mistake that business owners do regarding their site is viewing the website as an cost instead of an investment. On the other hand, Entrepreneurs comprehend that investing in their business will bring in a return on investment. Consider this: you spend $3000 on a developer to create a static website for you. Although it may seem costly, a more appealing and efficient website might turn visitors into new customers whose may have left due to slow loading times, outdated appearances, and untrustworthiness. Suddenly, that $3,000 could result in an additional $10,000 or more in new costumers annually. Would you invest $3,000 if it resulted in a $10,000 return within a year? While the numbers may be arbitrary, I've seen clients achieve a doubling of their business within a year of having my website.

When it comes to selling websites, I take a different approach. My sites are priced at $99 per month, which some might find expensive. However, I ask them to consider the value they are receiving from my websites. Did the site brought more than $99 worth of value in this month? for the most part the answer is always yes. For example, let's say a painter charges $700+ per new costumer. If my website brings in just one new customer per month, that's already a $600 return. Furthermore, each new client you gain every month just increase the return that you get from my websites. For that monthly fee, you also have the benefit of having someone that you can call any moment if you need assistance, updates to adapt to changes in search engine algorithms. With me, you're not just getting a website, but a partner equally invested on the prosperity of your company.

Tattoos and Websites share something in common: the value you receive is proportional to what you are paying. For instance, a website worth $300 from Fiverr or Craigslist may seem like a bargain, but you may end up with a generic and outdated design that drives people away from your business. Similarly, when searching for a tattoo professional, you want to find skilled professionals who create a beautiful, high-quality product and answer all of your questions. By investing in reputable developers, you can ensure that your website reflects your business and attracts potential customers, just like a well-crafted tattoo can be a source of pride and inspiration.

While it may be tempting to choose a quick and cheap option for building your website, it's important to understand that a high-quality website can't come from such a low price point. In fact, the low price should be a red flag. Consider if you were in need of surgery - would you trust a doctor you found online who was willing to perform the procedure for a fraction of the cost compared to other reputable doctors? Likely not, as such a low price suggests a poor quality. Similarly, a cheap website will likely result in cheap and ineffective results. Instead, investing in a skilled developer who can create a website tailored to your business needs is crucial. Don't settle for a convenient and simplistic answer when your business calls for higher standards.


Ultimately, the decision to go with dynamic or static website depends on your financial situation and goals. If you have a limited budget and need a basic website, using Wix, WordPress or GoDaddy might be sufficient. However, in case you have more resources and want to improve your online brand, investing in a static webssite can provide a better financial return.

My business offers a unique solution for small businesses who want to improve their online presence without breaking the bank. Unlike other developers who charge high upfront fees, I offer a No Upfront cost and $99 per month payment plan, making my services accessible to those who are in need of it. I can offer this affordable option because I work from home, and my expenses are minimal. As a result, I can focus on creating high-quality websites that will last for years and help expand your business. With my commitment to being a partner in your success, you can trust that I'll be there at every step. So, if you're looking for a budget-friendly option that doesn't sacrifice quality, I'm the developer for you.

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